Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I learned last night of another guy that was busted for steroids at our gym. He is a short guy with a strange barrel shaped stomach. You can see his abs but he looks like he has enlarged organs or something. He has a terrible physique. Evidently he was the snitch that took down the latest group of steroid dealers. I will call him Bob. One of the guys that got busted wondered why Bob didn’t get busted like everyone else since he was in the thick of the dealing. Hmm, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. The reason Bob didn’t get busted is because he was working with the COPS! You were set up. There I said it. Geez, no wonder they got busted.

It just amazes me that this guy was on steroids too. These people aren’t big and they aren’t strong. These people want a shortcut and there isn’t one. Sure, you can get bigger and stronger on steroids than you could if you never took them but you still have to eat right, train right, etc., to see results. These people must have the shittiest diets imaginable and I know they don’t know what they are doing in the gym because I see them working out all the time.

I’d be seriously depressed if I looked like these guys and I was on steroids. I’m stronger by a long shot than any of these people that were busted and bigger too. Hard work and discipline is the only way to make gains even if you are taking steroids.

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