Friday, August 29, 2008

I reinvent myself and all is forgiven. There is no past and for all I know there is no future so I hedge my bets on the present and the long legged brunette in the smiling picture on my computer monitor. My weight drops and my face contorts, my mind tightens, the bags under my eyes grow. See if you recognize me or if I simply cease to exist.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thoughts Gone Bad

I had good thoughts that I kept too long to myself and now they have gone bad. I tried to keep them fresh, tried to keep them from turning but good thoughts have a short shelf life. I could sell them at a discount but who wants to buy bad thoughts? The government? Yes, they will use the bad thoughts to scare the citizens and then the private sector can offer protection services for a fee and they will become rich beyond their wildest dreams. See bad thoughts can do good if all you care about is profit…