Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What Matters

Mr. Bluesmith’s wife Latty is having surgery today (yes, the open heart kind). So I don’t want to hear about how someone cut you off in traffic or how you opened a giant can of baked beans and half of the container was just juice. Really, can you be any more trivial? There are more important things to think about but still it would be wise not to try to pass me on the side of the road in your minivan. That said, I want to say that I’m thinking about you guys or something along those lines. How do you really put this stuff into words? It’s so hard to come up with the right thing to say so I won’t say anything but I’ll leave you with a quote that I think pertains to a lot of people including myself at times:

“We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”

-Charles Bukowski


Anonymous said...

Excellent quote. I might have to use that sometime.

LE Sweetz said...


Anonymous said...

damn. hope all turns out well.

jomama said...

Fine quote.

Maybe so because we're surrounded by them. A good case of The Ignores helps...speaking from personal and recent experience.