Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Look

It started as a protective measure. I realized early on that if I looked mean people wouldn’t fuck with me. I soon wore the look exclusively. I wore it to school and on the playground. I wore it with jeans and underneath my Halloween mask. The look kept the monsters at bay when my feet stuck out of the covers (they liked feet with mustard). The look kept the bullies at bay. The look preceded the fist and followed the mundane comment. The look and I were inseparable until many years later when I met her. The look and I had a falling out and parted ways and then later so did she and I. For a while I didn’t wear the look and people began to take advantage because well, people are scum and so I dug the look out of my steamer trunk and now I wear it again everywhere. If the look keeps you at bay then well, it’s doing its job. I don’t want anyone to get too close…


Identity Crisis said...

It sounds like a useful tool. Is it a face available to the blogosphere?

Always looking for a good face...;}

Anonymous said...

were your darkest secrets safely packed away in said steamer trunk as well?

LE Sweetz said...

can i borrow the look?

Anonymous said...

"I apply my personality in a paste"...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Identity Crisis said...

Atomic, I hope you are safe from the floods.