Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's up with that?

There are hybrid cars being developed that can get 250 miles per gallon? And those in government tell us we are decades away from such technology. Shame on them. How much is the oil industry paying them to perpetuate this lie? It's time to stop our oil dependency and free ourselves from the turmoil in the Middle East.

Check out the story here:


Cindy-Lou said...

I saw a hybrid yesterday with the license plate "I ♥ OPEC"

Kerouaced said...

How endearing...

saurav said...

maybe they are involved in a give-&-take policy...

Anonymous said...

oh man. that prius development costs over 10 grand. i've read about it before. i absolutely love my hybrid and i'll never drive anything else.

6 months and $200 worth of gas.


Kerouaced said...

Yo, joeysw04einelson quit spaming me. You're not welcome here...

The Cuke said...

yeah, the oil companies pay a pretty penny I'm sure. Gotta keep themselves in the Screw'emOver biz.

Anonymous said...

Is this news in America? You must be kidding me.

By the way, back in the eighties a healthy cigarette was developed and boycotted by the tobacco industry. Same crap different decade.

Kerouaced said...

Kunst, no this isn't new news per say. It has been known that better fuel effeciency technology exited for many years. What is new about this article is that for the first time there are now commercially viable options. In the past the fuel effecient cars were always said to be too costly. I think now that this argument has been shown not to be valid. If car manufacturers can upgrade a car for super fuel effeciencey for only $6,000 dollars then why aren't they doing it? Over the lifetime of owning the car an individual would surely save at least this much on buying gasoline. My biggest concern though is the environment which these cars would do wonders for...

jomama said...

The planet will soon belong to the tinkers.

Gonna hafta learn how to be one.

Bookfraud said...

i finally found your blog again! damn! 250 frickin' miles, boo-hah!

i never store these damn URLs. good to be back.

LE Sweetz said...

2.67/gal here. what.the.fuck.

Kerouaced said...

It's $2.50 here. I just spent $40 to fill my vehicle up. When I bought it four years ago it cost me $20 to fill it up...