Thursday, August 18, 2005

Uhm, pimp my bike yo?

I was helping my sister and her fiancee Chris move to there new home several weeks ago and Chris and were in a 40 foot long U-Haul cruising through New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. I was taking in the normal scenery one expects on such a jaunt--passing cars, stores, trailer homes, etc-- when I noticed a sight that I can only describe as surreal. There on the side of the road was a teenager riding a bike that looked as if it had fallen out of one of Tim Burton's dreams. The seat post of this monstrosity was five feet above the frame as were the elongated handle bars. The gearing and pedals were located where the seat usually sits just above the frame. So picture this now. A kid sitting ten feet up in the air on this pimped out bike, cruising down the side of the road. I rubbed my eyes and declined the next hit off the joint we'd been passing back and forth. Was what I seeing real and if it was how in the Hell had this kid got on and off his bike? Had he leaned it up against a tree, scaled the tree and then hopped on? And guys, you've all slid off your seat and cracked your nuts on the frame. It's an understatement to say it hurts. What if this mislead lad fell from his ten feet roost and hit the frame? I don't think he'd be having any kids and might sing soprano in the choir if he could dislodge his nuts from his throat. Can anyone say unic?


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

My guess is this: his dad owns a crane rental company, and he convinces his older sister to hoist him up on a big metal hook to the height of the seat. Then he hops over onto the bike. When he needs to get off, he jumps.

LE Sweetz said...

is that a dvd player on the last bike? why?

i would have stopped and asked him about that bike.

Kerouaced said...

I believe that is a DVD player. I might have stopped and asked him too if I thought he could get down off that thing without serious injury...

Anonymous said...

anyone dumb enough to try that deserves to be injured anyway...

Anonymous said...

I cracked my nuts once and I never touched a bike again.