Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Jersey Mass Murderer Dies at 88

An excerpt from this article:

A recluse who read the Bible and loved guns, he was convinced his neighbors were ridiculing him behind his back and plotting against him. He was also depressed about his homosexual liaisons in a Philadelphia movie theater.


And you wonder why I had a gun and bible burning party Sunday night? Well, it is also to get back at those radicals that burn literature because they don't have the intellect to understand it.

Yes, the gun and bible burning Sunday night was a success. I had over 500 people that came and with the help of local sponsorship I passed out over 275 cases of beer. We had several incidences of people trying to pass big dictionaries off as bibles but these fakers were quickly led off the premises. I am happy to report that no one attempted to pass off a toy gun as a real gun.

I'm not against hunting or target shooting but for god's sake do you really need an automatic weapon to shoot a squirrel? Look at all the lunatics that are going out and just blasting people away. You really think something shouldn't be done about this? I bet if it were your family member that got shot you would think differently...

Lyrics from Rollins Band song
I wonder what you're like without the gun
I'd like to see when you're not hiding behind the gun
how you've lived your life without the gun
'cause I know how I lived mine
because you got one, yeah, 'cause that's what it is
you hide behind your gun
you gotta have a gun then you're just another pig to me

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