Friday, October 16, 2009

I thought things were okay with us and I guess I was wrong. Or maybe I just didn’t think enough about the future and all the bad things that could be. I had no reason to. Being with you made me happy and I was content with what we had. Sure, I hoped we would get to know each other better, do more things and we would grow closer but I didn’t want to ruin things with expectations. But you saw it differently. You thought of all the bad things that might happen and all the bad things I could be. I guess I can’t blame you for not taking a chance on me. I know I’m nobody special, my hairline is thin and I don’t care about being rich but what I did care about was you. We laughed together until my jaw hurt and when you hugged me I felt whole. I don’t have that now and I realize I probably never will and I’m empty inside because of it.

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