Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unbelievable. Apparently there are rednecks showing up at Obama’s speaking engagements carrying guns and not just any guns but weapons that include assault rifles. These “protesters” claim they are just exercising their rights. I say bullshit to that. They are trying to intimidate and bully. They aren’t smart enough or man enough to show up at event like this and try to match wits with someone like Obama. They need their guns because they are cowards and lack intelligence.

In some of the states Obama is visiting they have open gun carrying laws which makes this spectacle possible. Are you kidding me? What the hell is this? The Wild West? No one needs to carry a gun to a political event. This is very worrisome….

1 comment:

The Cuke said...

I completely agree.
It won't be a surprise if this is proven a valid concern when one of these idiots is too stupid to engage safety or use common sense precautions.