Friday, August 07, 2009

I curse those damn flying nuisances that stung my Chihuahua Uma. They might have been hornets after all but that doesn’t make them any less dastardly. Every time I go to pick Uma up she yelps—obviously still in pain two days later. What is even worse is that she associates me with this pain and has been cowering and trying to hide from me. I have tried to win her back with treats but this tactic seems to do little good. She will forget as the pain fades but I won’t. I have made it my mission in life to eliminate all hornets because really do they serve any purpose in the ecosystem? Or are they just nasty little bastards that attack and sting because they can? I have concluded that they are in fact the bullies of the bug world and since no one likes I a bully I will kick their little yellow and black asses. Now, to purchase an over sized bellow, welder's gloves and...

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