Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do these yahoos that are interrupting these town hall meetings about health care reform have any clue what they are doing? Seriously, these idiots don’t want better health care? They want insurance companies to keep ripping us off, making more and more profit off of us and giving us less and less care? I mean use your fucking head. If you like your health care then you get to keep it so it shouldn’t be an issue for you. If you don’t like your health care it will only get better. If you are angry about the economy and are venting through these debates on health care reform then maybe you should be channeling your anger towards those that are responsible i.e. the Republicans. Right, the Democrats aren’t perfect either but at least they sometimes seem to care about something other than profit.

The problem is that these uneducated pricks that show up at these town hall meeting are basing their opinions on hearsay. They don’t have facts to back up what they say because if they actually read what was being proposed I doubt they would have issue with it. Of course they will say they’ve read a lot about the topic at hand but what they really mean is they’ve listened to some misinformation machine like Rush Limbaugh tell lies about what health care reform entails and they base their opinions on his bullshit. To someone that actually reads (yes me) these people look like complete imbeciles. Why in the hell would you side with the insurance companies? What have they ever done for you? Unless you own a shit load of stock or work for one of them then I would guess not a whole hell of a lot…

1 comment:

Penny said...

Amen, brother!