Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm sure you read about the 20 year old that got arrested for trying to have sex with a dead deer. Evidently he was also arrested for killing a horse and trying to have sex with it too. I think its fair to say he has a few cognitive screws loose. Can you imagine the problem this guy is going to have getting a job when he gets older? Employers will ask why he has a record, he'll blush, and tell them and they'll say they will call him back but they NEVER will. And what if he does get a job-- somehow his animal loving past isn't exposed--and the employer invites him to a socail gathering and he brings a horse dressed in a skimpy evenning gown? This just can't turn out good...


{illyria} said...

sounds a bit like alan strang to me. assuming that harry potter boy's portrayal of him won't influence people to overlook the fact that he's absolutely mental.

Anonymous said...

when at first you don't succeed... lower your standards. or go lower on the food chain, whatever strikes your fancy...

Anonymous said...

a few months ago in the newspaper there was a story of a man caught having sex with a deer and the villagers made him marry it....or maybe it was a llama..