Friday, October 27, 2006

Shoot Away

The intangible assets will be divided according to brain function; those with more developed frontal lobes will be rewarded accordingly. Those who neither ponder nor dream nor realize nor regret will be left in Montana. The entire state will be fenced off and there will be no chance for escape. Each individual left in Montana will be given their choice of a sidearm and rifle and all the ammo they can carry or pull in a stolen shopping cart. When the referee blows his whistle the shooting will begin. Each individual will have the right to defend him or herself against their own kind. Let the fun begin…


Anonymous said...

will this be on pay-per-view? i'd watch it.

Identity Crisis said...

Why Montana?

Kerouaced said...

Why not Montana?

Identity Crisis said...

Ahhh...I see now.

Anonymous said...

well that's one way to send all the stupid people off the mortal coil... can we include a certain monkey-resembling guy named george?