Sunday, July 23, 2006

I saw

The pain in my head is abating…sort of. Once like ivy on a brick wall it clung to the front of my brain but now it has receded into the fissures of the gray matter. Gone back to the cartoon projector from which it came. That’s all folks…

I saw An Inconvenient Truth last night. You can hate Al Gore but you shouldn’t deny the message of his movie. We’re destroying the world and the United States is by far the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. I’ve already been planning to get rid of my SUV and have been taking other measures around my house to conserve energy.

I want the world to be around for my niece (age 2). Unfortunately, nothing major will be done until disaster strikes. Millions of people will be affected; killed, displaced, starved. It’s not a fairy tale as the Bush administration wants you to believe so they can push more oil on us.

Just think if the rightful winner of the 2000 presidential election had taken the oval office. I doubt there would be a war in Iraq. The major greenhouse gas producers that were supposed to be fined and clean up their acts would have been forced to do so. The pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t have been able to screw seniors. There would be hope.

What trumps everything in the Bush administration? Profit. As I keep saying, you can’t spend money in an atmosphere that doesn’t exist. If another Republican is elected we might as well kiss the earth good-bye because they won’t do anything to clean up the environment. Everything is wilting under their watch…


LE Sweetz said...

i just know that this weather seems abnormal. it's probably armageddon.

Jade said...

If you get a chance, have a look at a book called 'The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight' it's a real eye opener as to whats about to happen with the oil running out etc. I know it's preaching to the converted but still, it's a very interesting and terrifying read.

Jade said...

I just wanted to clarify something, even though its a pretty hard core read as in its honest, it is also really positive as a guide through denial and into a new way of thinking.

I'm so sick of pretending that everything is okay, but I'm also sick of doom and gloom mongering. Better to be equipped with the truth but also equipped with tools to change things, even if only for our peace of mind.

I'd prefer to die knowing I contributed positively than if I just gave up because I believed it was too late. The author is Thom Hartmann too btw...

Anonymous said...

the hybrid credits apply to toyota hybrids purchased before 9/1/06...

we switched to all compact fluorescent lights for like $45 and keep the window blinds closed during the summer. i've heard that if you put up a shade for your a/c unit it saves energy.

i'm not a fan of the whole issue being politicized.

Kerouaced said...

Unfortunately, the current adminstrations failure to address the global warming issue has made it political. It wouldn't be a political issue if they would join forces with other political factions and figure out a way to cut greenhouse emissions. They simply don't give a shit about the future of the earth. Greed has blinded them...

Anonymous said...

what i meant is that the movie is made by a democrat, which simply reinforces republicans' dismissal of global warming as a vast left-wing conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Abnormal weather is normal. I can show you glaciers in New Zealand that are growing.


Kerouaced said...

Yeah, right the glaciers are growing in New Zealand. You're full of shit Che...

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