Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Finale

While gathering momentum for the grand finale it is of the utmost importance to let loose with a few profanities (yes cocksucker is a fine choice), to once in a while drink the sweetest wine from the dirtiest cup, to every now and again throw the punch everyone is expecting, to kick in the front of the Pepsi machine and take back a can of your sweat. I’m not advocating complete anarchy but rather a controlled effort to fuck with the establishment, to spice up the hum drum, to let the elite fucks know that good people will do bad things when pushed. You want a piece of me, corporate fat ass? No, then pay your fucking taxes and stop pillaging. Because when the fat lady sings this time she’ll be in your box seats standing on your head….


LE Sweetz said...

kick the cocksucker in the nuts.

Anonymous said...

hell yeah.

Anonymous said...

To the mattress!

Anonymous said...


jomama said...

Corps don't pay taxes per se, they collect 'em from you and pass 'em to Mama Googoo. It's hidden in the price you pay for the product you buy. The corp could give a shit about their tax rates.

Sweet deal, eh? Bummint gets free tax collectors, no seizures to go thru, and no employees to pay...with your money of course, no matter who does it.

Ain't it nice to get fucked twice?

Funny thing. Almost no one feels it.

The rest of us run screaming off into the sunset.