Thursday, June 01, 2006

Yes sir/mam

I have a multi-faceted personality like most people. I act one way with friends, another way with co-workers and another way still when say speaking to a complete stranger in the grocery checkout line. The point is that we all take on many different roles in our lives. I know this isn’t a ground breaking revelation but I’d like to enlighten you as to one fun little game I like to play and the situations that evolve. If I don’t agree with a person’s beliefs or don’t particularly care for that person for one reason or another and have little or no respect for them but must be subjected to them regularly I use a personality that allows me to go about my business without having to have prolonged interaction with them. This is my playing dumb personality. Of course this in itself isn’t groundbreaking either but let me enlighten you as to how useful this little tool can be when used properly.

In my life I must interact with a know-it-all who thinks he/she is not only an expert in his/her field but also so cunning that no one can see through his/her bullshit stories and manipulation. This person little realizes that I am not a pawn in his/her game that I am the one controlling my own destiny and that I only play dumb so that little is expected of me. In this way I can pursue my own interests and I display just enough knowledge in a given field so that I appear to be useful but not threatening to their own agenda. I take advantage of all outlets that I feel will aid me in the pursuit of my goals but again without threatening him/her. I might add that it helps to appear awkward and somewhat shy.

An exchange between me and him/her might go like this: Oh, was I supposed to go to that meeting? I thought that meeting was just for those in management. Really? It was for everyone? Damn, I would have liked to have gone to that one. I’m sorry. I’ll make it to the next one (yeah right).

Meanwhile I take notes on him/her for my next book and I must say the person that evolves is not a flattering portrayal but then what do I know? I’m just a pawn in his/her world until I’m not…


LE Sweetz said...

ah, playing dumb is a good mechanism.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. if only that worked in my line of work... you can only play so dumb. damn!

The Cuke said...

Evil lurks >:)