Friday, April 14, 2006

Shoveling away the bullshit

I’m having a hard time right now giving a fuck about this screwed up world. Will I ever get around wanting to do things in the best way possible? Corporate America has screwed us out of money and time and ultimately our lives. For an example of what I am talking about I will cite the fitness industry. I’m going to let you in a little secret. Almost all the abdominal gadgets, butt shapers, muscle magazines, multi-gyms, instructional videos, thigh squeezers, cardio machines etc are sold not to better your health but to make a profit. In fact most of what is sold as the next best exercise gadget or concept is a new and worse version of a lie perpetuated by the fitness industry. You will not lose fat from your midsection by using the newest abdominal stretcher touted by Joe Fitness Weasel. There is no such thing as spot reduction! If you burn more calories than you take in you will lose fat from all areas of your body. Usually the fat loss will be most noticeable in the face and neck but it varies from person to person. This is just one example of a lie that the fitness industry perpetuates so they can sell you another useless gadget. Try a set of leg raises. They’re free and more effective than any piece of shit sold on the fitness market.

There is legitimate information out there on getting into shape but you have to search it out. Don’t expect Corporate America to do anything for you except take your money. They don’t give a fuck whether you’re healthy or not in fact it behooves them to keep you out of shape and buying the next best fitness lie.

Do yourself a favor don’t read muscle magazines or watch infomercials. Search out someone that has been successful in whatever it is you want to change in your life. Use your computer and search out the best information available and use your HEAD and rely on personal experience when deciding what is legitimate and what isn’t. This goes for all areas of life. I for one am tired of being fucked over by Corporate America. They have conned us into believing in numerous untruths so that they can empty our pockets. I want to do things the right way, in the best way possible. If I’m training someone in the gym I don’t want to use some shitty $10,000 machine that isn’t as effective as an old fashioned push-up. If I’m writing a novel I want to make it unique and funny and the best damn story it can be. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to be my own person in whatever I do and for me that means shoveling away the bullshit and despite negative repercussions--such as not making as much of a profit—I will continue to push for what works, for what is real, for the truth. So fuck you Corporate America. This is one person that hasn’t bought into your bullshit.


The Cuke said...


LE Sweetz said...

dude. the yellow print just burned my eyes.

my bf hated the sales aspect of the fitness industry. that's why he quit.

Anonymous said...

i love how we all have to look like anorexic crackwhores nowadays to fit the national model of "attractive"

i keep in shape, but i don't cry at night about not looking like a walking skeleton.

Anonymous said...

We are media-fed. Buy into it or dont, but have the sense to know we are.

The Cuke said...

i strive to be skeleton chick. Skeleton ninja, with a bow.

Anonymous said...

fuck anything corporate or religious.

Anonymous said...

Capitalist pig bastards!