Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Playboy Bunny

I miss you and I don't even know you...I mean not intimately. Maybe you could come over and I could show you all the Playboy magazines I found when I was ripping out the walls in my sister's building. If that offends you then it's not true but still it might have made me feel like a little kid again and that would be good for my current state of depression. So, if you decide it would be bad for that to be true then I could say I definitely respect you as a woman and that I don't have 65 Playboy magazines sitting on my coffee table. Okay? Are we square? Good. Now, if you could just come over at 7:10 instead of 7:00. I have to uh do some cleaning before we watch the DVD's you rented. And please don't look in my hall closet. Its dirty in there...


The Cuke said...


Cindy-Lou said...

I'd be offended if you didn't show them to me.