Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Organic food?

I’m not turning into Chucky Wheatgrass or anything but I’ve been taking a closer look at the things I eat and well let’s say I’m not impressed with the chemicals and pesticides that are on and in them. So, I’ve started to buy some organic things. From what I’ve read not everything needs to be organic. For instance these items : Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Corn (sweet), Kiwi, Mangos, Onions, Papaya, Pineapples, and Peas (sweet) have negligible amounts of pesticides in them when tested so it’s safe to buy these things without the organic label. These items according to Food News: Apples, Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherries, Imported Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Red Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries all test very high for pesticides so it’s probably better for your health to buy these things organic. Like I said I’m not going to go nuts and eat everything organic but I figure that cutting back on some stuff that is doused in chemicals might be a good idea. Sure, when I eat out I’m not going to worry about it but I think cutting back one’s exposure is a good thing. I also think I’ll grow a garden.

I read that the cancer rate around 1900 was around 1 in 30 people. Now it is 1 is nearly one in 2 people. Scary. Of course I’ll still drink beer. Don’t be silly…


ty bluesmith said...

latty. you've become so muscular and masculine.

Kerouaced said...

(Deep Voice) Ty, wash these organic bell peppers off now and then go buff my boots...

Anonymous said...

and in 1900, 1 in 30 people were old farts. today, 1 in 2 people are old farts.

statistics are problematic. because statistically, 100% of people over age 80 have some kind of cancer, diagnosed or not.

don't read statistics. people can twist them any way they like.

however, i'll agree getting all the nasty stuff out of your diet, like organophosphate pesticides, is definitely a good thing.

Kerouaced said...

Leigh, true but this study supposedly considered life expectancy...who knows how many cases of cancer went undiagnosed back then too...

LE Sweetz said...

i'm trying to cut down on the amount of chemicals and preservatives in my diet.

beer should kill all the bad germy germs, right? scientist leigh, back me up!

Cindy-Lou said...

What if I peel my apples?

Anonymous said...

I can't leave the cigarettes alone.

jomama said...

Corona draft where I live has no preservatives. Bottled Corona has formaldahyde, so I've been told. I fart gloriously, peeling paint off walls of my bedroom drinking the latter. None with draft.

Check the draft beer where you're at. It might have an expiration date on the keg. If so, no preservatives.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I ate an organic candybar once. It tasted like styrofoam.

Now I buy styrofoam and brown food coloring. It's cheaper.