Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wanted Dead or Alive

The assholes pictured above are all serving time for creating computer viruses. One of them got seven years...I don't think that's nearly long enough. You see my laptop got a virus through E-mail and it was created by some jackass like those pictured above. It cost me a couple hundred bucks to get rid of the virus and I want compensated but I don't want money. What I want is ten minutes alone in a basement with one of these fuckers. It will be my own personal fight club and I will kick the living shit out of the mother fucker. You like to create computer viruses? I'll ask. BAM! Broken jaw. You like fucking destroying the writing that took me hours and hours to complete? BAM! You didn't need that clavicle anyway. See how your shoulder droops now? Feel me digging my fist into your deltoid? Hurts doesn't it? Good. Now go off to jail and I hope to God you get raped like a child molester you pathetic piece of shit...

Seriously though, what is the mindset of these people? I seriously doubt they really have a concept of the damage they do to certain people. Yeah, yeah, they're getting back at the man or maybe they were picked on in grade school. Get over it. Quit being a piece of shit scum. Anyone can destroy or be deceitful or evil it's not really that hard to do. Evil mastermind my ass. What's hard is doing the right thing. What's hard is building up and helping others. Here let me help you remove those teeth. (Imagine the sound of my steel toed boot shattering your teeth) Thank you. THis has been a rant by Kerouaced.


Anonymous said...

this is not a test... i repeat... this is not a test. ker really is going to kick some ass this time.


LE Sweetz said...

ker fight club. i'd pay good money to see that. oh, and i'd want some pictures to remember that by.

LE Sweetz said...

oh, fuck, you lost some of your writings?? goddamn.

The Cuke said...

Yeah, you know, no shit. I mean, it's one thing to ail one's computer when they fuckin' deserve it, but to someone they've no personal qualms with is just absolutely pointless and rather childish. And I agree... get the fuck over it. If some of these fucks have to screw people over via computer viruses, hidden behind their monitors, just for shits and giggles, just to make them feel good then that's pretty fuckin' delusional because no evil they could ever do can make up for any rotten shit they may or may not have suffered in their younger years. You're right. It's more difficult to become a stand-up person, taking all the shit the world has to give, yet still giving without receit, and most likely with others continually taking, taking, taking. May all those fucks out there, computer-geek-loser-freak-virus-creating-piece-of-shit-big-man-wannabe and all even remotely related in actions and mindset rot in hell for their lacking person. "Fuck the fucking fuckers."