Friday, May 06, 2005

What my elderly neighbor told me...

You will come to know the quick and the dead, the hangover and the hang up, the big bar tab and those little moments of drunken lunacy when the whole world swears you off as another bad dream. It’ll happen and you’ll apologize to every single one of them, even the ones you don’t know or have never even heard of you because salvation ain’t about forgiveness it’s about how many people you can con into believing you are righteous and just made one colossal fucking error fueled by booze and illusions of grandeur. You could try to tell them the TRUTH but it as useless as a superfluous nipple. When no one is looking you take that TRUTH out and hold it in your arms like a baby marmot and let it suckle at your beer bottle teet until it grows so big that you have to store it in a grain silo and then and only then can you release it on the world. Sure they’ll hate you but it was bound to happen now wasn’t it?


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I know the shame, the apology, and the mystery of the blackout all too well.

I made a decision recently not to apologize. I now blame the others for failing to overindulge, to live, to let loose, to participate in honest gleeful revelry.

If I'm the one entertaining them, they should apologize to me.

jomama said...

Getting that marmot up to size,
are ya?