Friday, May 06, 2005

Don't mess with me...

Back in the day I had a Mohawk; circa 1982, not long after I first heard the Ramones I decided I must have one. This Mohawk was a big red static rooster job that rose up into the chandeliers of the rich parents I’d freak out when their daughters brought me home. They were all like FREAK and I was like COOL and they were like GET OUT! I would have my revenge in the form of quarter sticks of dynamite place strategically around the parameter of their glass houses; time delayed fuses (cigarettes) and in the middle of a peaceful cognac coma, at 3 am (according to the position of the moon in the sky) BAM! Their fucking mailbox would be in ten thousand tiny pieces; sans folding chairs, sans flower boxes, sans Rover’s little plywood abode…


Anonymous said...

Hey, I made the "depraved" list! Just noticed that today.

If you haven't noticed I have nothing to do...

I'd return the favor if I had any clue as to how to do that.

Kerouaced said...

Ty, please turn so that you are facing PA and the other end is facing California. Thanks for your cooperation...