Monday, May 30, 2005

I don’t belong here

To understand the writer, you must become the writer and I don’t mean turning into someone that just willy nilly drops words down on a page, dons a smoking jacket and yaks about Joyce in a fake Cockney accent. Those aren’t writers, they are actors; the cocksuckers that think it’s romantic to be on the outside looking in. The ones that want to think their words matter in a world that imbibes the inane like some sort of orgasmic elixir. The writer knows that his words don’t matter that every day is a hellish struggle to get people to notice, to prove to himself and others that his life isn’t a huge fucking waste, that when he looks up through the grating and watches everyone above walking passed that the small guttural cries that are emitted by his words are worthy of just one of those passersby looking down even if in the end it was only to spit.

To be born with the soul of a writer is to be born flawed, to suffer a paper version of hell with REJECTION stamped in big red letters all over it. To realize that in all likelihood life will pass you the fuck by and you will give your best years to the bottle or whatever vice steers you clear of the edge. Just one step too close and your footing gives and before you know it you are lying on top of Hemingway and Poe and Thompson, their pens sticking through your vitals, their ink mixing with the last of your blood.

The writer searches for love through his words and this is of course foolish but inevitable in his evolution. No one will love him for his words; this much the writer will find to be true. The contrary is so. They will poke him with sharp sticks through the bars and jeer and brand him an outsider with a hot coat hanger and then they will drift away. At first relief will wash over the writer but then he will realize with no one to read his words that he doesn’t exist; only his empty cage will remain.

Perhaps there is one saving grace for the writer but I hesitate to mention it for it is an unlikely scenario and hope should not be spent entirely on it. I speak of a muse; a woman with LOVE tattoed on the small of her back. Between her long red flint nails she will hold the key that unlocks the desolate cage in which he exists but it is a sketchy proposition to trust all hope on one person, for after all you, the writer, are made of words and words are highly flammable and with one click of her flint red nails you will go up in flames and burn burn burn. .

Writers are all lost but we know exactly where we’re going. From the moment we are born we are all on the fast track to dying but for those that search for the words to explain this downwardly spiraling journey there is much more to life even if, in the end, it is all in our minds. I am running. I am tripping. Watch me fall…


Anonymous said...

wow, what a peek into the world of the writer. we're all happiest doing a certain thing i think. even if that thing is insanely difficult and you spend your life struggling. but would you do anything else if the opportunity presented itself?

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

For me it's jumping from 10 meters, trusting that the blue stuff below is water and not painted concrete.

Knowing that in the end, it will be concrete.

Cindy-Lou said...

Not entirely true, sweetie. I love you for your words. Ask Ty.

The Cuke said...

I won't ever call myself a "writer," because it's not what I do, it's who I am, in and out of the bloggosphere, on and off a scrap of paper. But as I've been called this by various people, a "writer" I'll accept it as a general discription, a semi-defining characteristic. Now what I meant to get at all along. Feeling like crap for no particular reason, and while it sounds so wrong, my spirits were slightly lifted upon reading this - that another "Writer" might have the same lost, wandering and utterly depressing feeling flinging about in his brain, his mind, his soul and heart. It isn't that I want someone else to feel like this, but more that it dulls that edge of lonliness.. says "someone identifies." I hope this comment hasn't come out sounding completely different from what i mean it to...

Anonymous said...

to steal from ty... you are internet loved, see?

jomama said...

Boom, like a grenade in my soup, that was.


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