Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was working out around 4 PM this afternoon and I might add I was having one hell of a good workout. My body is responding like crazy to the reintroduction of carbohydrates in my diet. Body fat is still low and my weights are going up very quickly. Anyway, I had just finished some cambered bar bench presses and was gettting ready to do some seated log presses. I was walking back to the power rack and stumbled upon two muscle heads throwing words back and forth.

I said, "Come on break it up," and just as I did this the older of the two shoved the younger guy. My guess was the older guy was in his thirties and the younger guy was 18. I wedged myself inbetween them and said, "All right lets calm down." They were both mouthing back and forth and I could tell neither of them really wanted to get into it. They backed up from each other and continued to mouth back and forth. The scene was ridiculous and I found myself almost laughing.

After some conjoling and light pushing I finally got them apart from each other and then went back and set up my log press. When I was ready for my top set I went out front to get one of the desk workers to give me as spot and sure enough the two meat heads were back at it. I stepped inbetween them and said, "Come on guys this isn't the time or place. Everyone is staring at you." After some convincing I got them apart and the older guy left the gym. The younger guy called his dad on his cell phone which I thought was hilarious.

When he was done talking to his daddy I said, "Man it's nothing. Who cares? There's more important things in life to worry about." The younger guy said, "Yeah, but he pushed me." I said, "Let it go. It's not worth it. Trust me."

He continued to rant and rave and I finally convinced him how stupid the whole thing was. He thanked me and went back to his lifting and I went back to my log press. The important part of this story is that I got 5 more reps with twenty more pounds than I did last week on the log press. Thanks for getting my andrenaline going guys.

The the older guy came back to the gym later in the evening and apologized to me. I told him not to worry about it. I really didn't give a shit. It had nothing to do with me. I should have thanked him though for helping me drastically improve my lift from last week. I owe those guys...

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