Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Okay, I respect the fact that there need to be child safety caps on medication bottles and cleaning products. I understand that pills need to be foil wrapped and specially designed to foil young children. I have no problem with these measures for people with children. What I have a problem with is having to open these damn bottles and rip through plastic and paper and foil to get at a sinus headache tablet and I don’t have children! What is some wayward baby going to crawl in my house and go for my medicine cabinet? I fucking doubt it. Why can’t I get pill bottles and other containers that open quickly without the lock top and the six inches of foil and plastic? Even my dogs’ heartworm pills are wrapped in some insane layering of foils and plastic that I have to stab at with a butcher’s knife to release. It’s more dangerous for me to try to open this stuff up with sharp implements than it would be for me to have a vitamin bottle lying around without a safety lock cap on it. It’s not like I’m going to take 300 vitamins at one time. Damn, I pity old people with arthritic fingers that have to open this stuff up. It’s not like they usually have toddlers running around the house.

I know, I know, there would be problems if these safety measures weren’t used. Some illiterate numbskull would buy the pill bottle without the safety measures and their stupid baby would eat the whole bottle and die. Then the illiterate numbskull would sue the pill company and win a billion dollars. Even though there were warnings on the bottle not to buy the item if you have children in the house. So, I will probably have to endure these over wrapped and overprotected bottles and packages for the rest of my life. Thanks stupid people…

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