Thursday, December 03, 2009

Can anyone explain to me what the debate over medical marijuana is about? I mean what sadistic fuck wouldn’t want sick people to get relief from their illness if smoking marijuana helps them? The pharmaceutical companies obviously don’t want the competition. They want you to take one of their drugs and make money. I don’t agree with this but at least I know where they’re coming from. What I don’t understand is your average citizen being so vehemently opposed to medical marijuana. These same people will take drugs made by the drug companies and don’t care if other people take drugs from drug companies but they don’t want others to smoke pot to help an illness? Really? Any reason that they would come up with would only show me their lack of empathy for their fellow human beings. God forbid one of them gets sick. I bet if those people were dying of cancer they’d be hitting that morphine button pretty damn often.

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