Monday, November 16, 2009

My sister lives in the town I went to high school in and Saturday I went over to her house to help her husband put together bunk beds for the two youngest kids. It was great fun…uh, well, maybe not great fun but I was happy to help. As I drove home I passed the house of a bully that used to pick on me when I was younger and whom I consequently beat up years after the bullying started. To my surprise I saw him standing in his parent’s driveway as I passed by. He was leaning against the garage door talking on a cell phone. It was a pathetic sight. His face was bloated and his stomach stuck out way over his belt. He was bald except for thick graying hair around the sides of his head and his skin was blotchy and red. In his free hand he was holding a can of Budweiser and a cigarette dangled from his lip. He had become as ugly on the outside as he had been on the inside.


Robert Clapp said...

cosmic justice.

Lynn said...
