Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Pope recently said that distributing condoms won’t help to solve the AIDS crisis. Really? I guess all the scientists that base their findings on facts--not some book of fairy tales—are wrong. You see I can criticize the Pope because I already know I’m going to hell for masturbating…I mean not that I ever have but I’ve thought about it and well, that’s just as bad. According to the Pope’s values masturbation is worse than denying the existence of the Holocaust. I think I’m starting to understand now…no, not really…


ty bluesmith said...

give the pope a break. he certainly looks like a nice, not scary dude.

Penny said...

Yesterday I felt more kindly towards the Catholic Church when I read they had chosen not to excommunicate the doctors that had performed an abortion for a 9 yr old who had been raped by her stepfather. I mistakenly thought they were entering the real world. My bad. The Pope should stick to writing bestsellers such as "How to Dress for Every Occasion."