Monday, March 16, 2009

A friend of mine asked me to help a woman out at the gym with her diet and training. She is recently divorced and evidently went through a hard time. My friend also wanted to know if I would be interested in her. I immediately said no and this was for several reasons. First of all I know this woman and I’m not attracted to her. She is too manly. Don’t get me wrong, strong women are cool but she has the slap you on the ass after you throw a touchdown pass personality. Not attractive. I could also sense right off that there was something off about her and I was right.

Yesterday I talked to her when I was leaving the gym and told her I would bring her in some papers to read over so she could understand the basic concepts of my eating philosophy. She said, “Well, do you want my E-mail address?” I said, ‘Well, okay, I guess I could send you some stuff too.” I hadn’t really planned to E-mailing her until we sat down and talked about her diet and workout and only then if I needed to.

This morning my friend from the gym E-mails me and says that this woman wondered why I hadn’t E-mailed her back yesterday. WTF? Talk about clingy and needy and weird. You would have to see the E-mail—which was forwarded to me—it was bizarre. I never said I would E-mail her yesterday. She basically forced her E-mail address on me. I like helping people but I think I need to keep my distance from this one…

1 comment:

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Maybe she browbeat her husband away the same way she was trying to push you into further association.