Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It is hard work—for most people—to make a significant change in their physiques and health. I know because I have successfully dieted down many times after bulking up. You see as a personal trainer I have noticed a phenomenon that is disturbing but unfortunately predictable. Most people that hire me want to see massive changes in their physiques but they don’t want to do the work to make these changes. They want me to sit them down on machines and cajole them into doing another repetition with a pathetically light weight. They believe the infomercials that tell them they only need to work out 3 times a week for 15 minutes to have a great physique. Bullshit.

You see, they want the result but are unwilling to put in the effort to make significant change and quite frankly to me as a personal trainer it is annoying as hell. Many people after leaving the gym stuff their faces with whatever crap they want. Maybe they will even make it through the week but the weekend will come and they will drink and eat like they are working for a gold medal in the calorie olympics.

On Monday they will come to the gym and not notice any changes in their physiques, which is predictable and frustrating for me. Some of them will blame me, not understanding that THEY are the ones responsible, that no matter how hard they work on the gym or how hard they think they work—which often isn’t very hard—they will not change unless they control their eating. So, what happens to these people? They eventually quit the gym and go back to eating like crap full time and drinking and believing that I failed them, when in reality I had nothing to do with their failure. These people simply want an excuse for why they aren’t what they could be. Well, I’m sorry but the truth of the matter is that many of you are just lazy. A good physique and good health take effort and if you are not willing to give this effort then have no one to blame but yourself.

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