Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My dear

First off you must loose the wings, cut the things off they are freaking me out. Secondly I don’t like the harp. It has to be the most annoying musical instrument ever invented. Why don’t you pick up the electric guitar, form a little band? Third and most important lose the head gear. When we’re doing it that thing glints in my eyes and I lose my concentration and then my hard on. If you can come down to earth, lose the holier than thou attitude then maybe, just maybe we can be together again. If you chose not to abide to my wishes then well, we will have to part ways. So get your head out of the clouds or else...


Identity Crisis said...

And you said you were a dull boy...

LE Sweetz said...

i hate the ones with the halos.

Anonymous said...

I read that and had a Dogma flashback to bloody white feathers..so, on that note, couldnt the wings stay? just this once?
The harp isnt realllly that bad if played properly, and I've heard angels are fairly good at plucking out a tune or two when the need arises.
Head in the clouds? Try it sometime just for kicks, its a very pleasant way of hiding from the world ;)