Wednesday, May 03, 2006

People are Rude

What is it with people getting cocky with me? A week or so ago I was driving through a nearby town. There was a lot of traffic and so I was going about five miles per hour under the speed limit. The light changed to red and I stopped. As I sat at an intersection I saw the coffin sized door of some prehistoric automobile swing open. The car door took up almost the entire right lane and the driver was damn lucky that someone hadn’t run into it. I watched as an elderly man exited this giant auto with the help of a gnarled cane. The light changed and I began to move ahead. By the time I reached the point where this guy’s car sat I was still ten miles per hour under the speed limit but this guy didn’t think so. He lifted his cane in the air and shook it at me, “Slow down you goddamn mother fucker,” he yelled, spit flying from his mouth. This really pissed me off. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I felt like breaking that fucking cane over that cocksucker’s head.

Another incident…

I’m driving to work. Way up ahead I can see a crossing guard. He’s some wanna be cop dressed in blue army fatigues. I shit you not. He must have done his shopping at the SWAT surplus store. Anyway, the intersection is clear. There are kids making their way onto the curb. As I get closer I notice that the crossing guard is still standing in the intersection although there are no kids about to cross the road. A little girl on the sidewalk slips and falls. The crossing guard is still standing in the road. He looks at the girl. I slow to a stop because the idiot is still standing in the middle of the road. He looks over at me and gives me this dirty fucking look like it was my fault the girl fell. Again, I wanted to get out and thump this mother fucker but of course I just drove on.

What I want to know is who the fuck do these people think they are? What is all the tough guy bullshit? I could go on about the guy that couldn’t make a turn because traffic was slow and I was blocking him from turning at an intersection. He had kids in his car and he started swearing at me. Unbelievable…Has anyone else experienced this aggressiveness? I’m really fucking sick of it…


The Cuke said...

Did I tell you about the fucker who got pissy with me because I took the parking spot they were claiming by signaling into it, while driving down the aisle the wrong way? Because if i did, you just got to hear about it again. That really pissed me off. You can't mother fucking claim a goddamn parking space by fucking signaliing, ESPECIALLY if you're GOING THE WRONG FUCKING WAY!!!

car@ said...

Totally i hear you Ker! what's wrong with pple nowdays! where are the values? i hate this fucking society today...all over the world and what it is worst is that the kids that they are growing up are miles away from our generation....

LE Sweetz said...

i drive in southern california, so don't even get me started. grrrrr.

Anonymous said...

i especially like the escalade drivers who think they are entitled to both lanes. look ma, i'm driving on the white lines!

and the assholes who honk at me because the semi tractor in front of me is slow to accelerate.

jomama said...

Road rage comes with the New World Disorder.

Stupidity doesn't go well with chaos.