Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ice caps and capped teeth

The polar caps are melting and soon the planet will be as dry as a lizard’s armpit. The world which I have strangely become attached to, the place where I took my first wobbly step will in all likelihood cease to exist as that way cool place where you can breathe mostly oxygen (if you don’t live in Los Angeles) and swim in water that is mostly free of PCBs. When the cause of the rapidly deteriorating atmosphere is boiled down to its sticky essence it is revealed--swimming like suffocating otters in a giant oil slick—fat CEO cocksuckers (which are revealed by one classic study in the 80’s to be largely sociopaths and psychopaths). Rather than taking in air these types have clenched between their capped teeth a five letter word that will be the destruction of us all: GREED. In their world money trumps all other concerns and as I like to remind George W. Bush, you can’t spend money in an atmosphere that doesn’t exist. Nice going guys I hope you can spend money in Hell because if that place exists you’re going to have a front row seat.


Anonymous said...

*standing and applauding*

awesome rant!

The Cuke said...

fuckin' A