Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Nasty Ice

I just read an article about a kid who did a science project and found that fast food ice is dirtier than toilet water 70% of the time. Evidently the ice machines aren't cleaned and workers don't wash their hands after they use the restroom. If you ask me that's pretty fucking disgusting and I think most people would agree. It doesn't surprise me though because I see guys all the time in public restrooms that don't wash their hands. Hell, racoons wash their fucking hands for God's sake. Why can't grown men take fifteen seconds to wash their hands? If you want to eat your cheeseburger with E. coli bacteria on your hands be my fucking guest but before you scoop out the ice for my Diet Coke please show that we as species have evolved somewhat in the last 100,000 years and WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS!


LE Sweetz said...

ew. i'll drink straight out of the bottle from now on. it's a good thing beer doesn't need ice.

Anonymous said...


another good reason to never touch fast food.

Bookfraud said...

of course fast food ice is dirtier than the toilet. where do you think they got the water to make it? mcdondald's needs to stretch its profits somehow...gotta read "fast food nation" if you haven't already. best quote: "there is shit in the meat."

where ya been, bro? guess i shouldn't be asking that of you...sigh...

Cindy-Lou said...

mmmm, diet coke.

Anonymous said...

oh and bar nuts, dont get me started on bar nuts.....

The Cuke said...


car@ said...

caca-cola! ;-P

BeckEye said...

Oh god, I really didn't need to hear that. Fountain pop always tastes so much better than bottled or canned. The goodness is in the fecal matter, I guess. Yuuuck.