Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Is the Captain a crack smoker?

Last night over a few beers the Captain told me that the Steelers didn't deserve to go to the Superbowl that the Broncos and the Colts were better than the Steelers. He also claimed that the referees were biased in favor of the Steelers in the Colts game. Had he not seen the repeated bad calls that resulted in chance after chance for the Colts to make a comeback? Dylan, Sharlene and I just sort of looked at him like he was nuts. I just have one question for the Captain. When did you start smoking crack?


LE Sweetz said...

if the refs were biased, they would want the colts to win. with all the peyton hoopla and colts bandwagoners, a colts win would probably mean more casual viewers.

there's no "deserve" concept in sports. pfffft.

Kerouaced said...

You're right Le. I think at the very least all the hoopla surrounding Peyton and the Colt's success planted in the minds of the officials that the Colts were winners. I think it was a case of a self fullfiling prophecy. People treat preceived winners differently in all walks of life even if it is on a subconsious level and they aren't even aware they are doing it. A second more sinister hypothesis would be that the refs were told to give the game to the Colts because they would be a bigger draw for the Super Bowl with their draw of casual viewers. I don't know though, there are a lot of Steelers fans out there. ..Anyway, enough about football. I don't want to think about it anymore until the Superbowl...