Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Steve & Cindy Lou (this picture sucks of me but alas I only had two from which to chose)Posted by Picasa

So, I’m in California to attend my cousin Jim’s wedding. Congratulations by the way to Jim and Kim, uh, yeah, I didn’t get any pics but maybe soon I will post some as I see who else remembered to bring their camera to the wedding and so forth. Oh, and another thing, I’m going to send your gift in the mail. Damn if I didn’t remember to bring everything except the damn gift. Anyway, the day after the wedding, on which I was feeling like I’d been hit over the head with ever bottle of beer I drank, I met a young lass that some of you have come to know as Cindy Lou.

We met at my hotel in Pleasanton and I was immediately smitten with this sweet little blogger but there was no time to waste and so we took to the road in search of a Mexican eatery at which to dine. After several wrong turns and third degree traffic violations we did eventually locate the Mexican restaurant but found it had closed down; its exterior wrapped in yellow police tape and posted with florescent quarantined signs. I suspected we’d escaped a most unpleasant eating experience but with my excellent navigational talents (well, sort of) we soon found another Mexican eatery. Really, Mexican restaurants are the only place Cindy feels safe so any other ethnic cuisine was out of the question which was fine with me, I have come to know well the soothing qualities of the tortilla on a hangover.

We chatted and things were going well until Cindy was asked by our waiter to remover her sombrero. She vehemently refused and there was somewhat of a squabble with the help who thought she was being disrespectful but I quickly quelled the disturbance by juggling several tamales while drinking a Corona with a very long straw. She was thankful for my quick thinking and not so much upset at the chili sauce that I’d flung on her clothing while juggling the tamales.

After lunch we hung at the hotel bar tossing rolled up one dollar bills to the cabaret dancers that flopped around on rickety stage in the corner. We were both nursing our drinking wounds from the night before so booze was out of the question, although Cindy did down a half dozen Shirley Temples and seemed to gain some sort of strange energy from these sugary drinks and in no time was doing pushups in front of the bar.

It was really good to get to know Sweet Lou, who is even sweeter in person. She thinks we won’t meet again but she’s wrong. She left her sombrero in the hotel lobby and some day I will have to return it. What is it that they say? Until we meet again? Yeah, I think that’s it.


Cindy-Lou said...

Joke's on you, I have a million sombreros.

Anonymous said...

wait a minute who knows who in real life in blogoland?

Ty, Cindy, Lat and you know each other, right? Who else?

It's kinda confusing.

Anonymous said...

tortilla... hangover...

now i'm freaking hungry. thanks.


LE Sweetz said...

oh man, now i'm craving tamales.

Kerouaced said...

Kunst, I just met Cindy for the first time and haven't met Ty or Latty in person you but hope to some day soon...

{illyria} said...

i am jealous. see you in tuscany, ker, when i'm like 35 or something.

TerraT said...

I've met six bloggers in person, two more soon, but cindy I think, has us all beat.