Friday, October 14, 2005

The Junk

The dream has vanished, dumped in a river of suicidal deficiency; they have swum with the lobsters and danced the tangle dance with the cement shoed shysters that were whacked just to be whacked. In a climate of oily residue and overripe fish shit the answers at the bottom of the river of life are safe with the sheep because they don’t even try to swim. Their fate was long ago determined by forces unknown; forces that are far beyond the grasp of the latently homosexual Sunday school teacher who ties a Bible belt tightly around his scrawny arm. Yes, the same mainlining, fantasy junky that spikes the hardest junk of all into his cowardly arms. The very junk distilled from a little book of Machiavellian lies called the Bible. Oh yeah baby feel the rush of the fairy tale, that there was this chick named Eve and a dude named Adam and they started it all in a little lab outside their trailer home. They cooked their junk right their in the forest and I’ll be damned if they didn’t hook half the world into believing they actually existed. There are is no such thing as dinosaur bones. There is no such thing as love. There is no such thing as reality unless they say so.


The Cuke said...

nothing's real.
(except "somxj")

LE Sweetz said...

fucking shysters.

Anonymous said...

i sense some bitterness.

don't you know the intelligent designer threw those bones in the ground because it knew we would be way thrown off the 'real' origin of life by finding them and using carbon dating and shit?

shit. this id entity is fucking clever.

or nonexistent. you choose.

(are these verifications getting longer or is it just me?)

Cindy-Lou said...

Now that's what I call a post.
Great job, hon.

Unknown said...

Freddie wuz here.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Slash and burn those tired old conventions. Any room on the bandwagon?

{illyria} said...

fine piece? this was a fantastic piece. oozing with vitriol. give me some or god help me.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, everything started with cabbage. Think about.

It makes sense.

jomama said...

Nice to see you're not holding back.