Thursday, August 11, 2005

The deterioration of a comedian

You’re coming undone. Aren’t you? I remember when you wheeled me out on that clothesline and I dropped into the mud puddle. It was a laugh, a joke, but this isn’t. We’re losing you to someone else’s dream, to the image of the sports star, to the storm kicked up by the greedy business world, to the lonely wind whistling through your $250 dollar rims.

I don’t know what to say because I’ve never been good with words from my mouth. They get choked behind images of you and me; me on my spring loaded horse, us on the porch, your hand rested on my little head. I’m still as clueless to the ways of the world as I was then because people aren’t always real, most of the time they’re just one dimensional cut outs that you can have your picture taken with at the carnival of life. All I can say is don't be angry. Come back in off the stoop. It is icy and covered with snow and you will fall. I don’t want to see you fall…


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Cryptic but evocative. I am curious.

Anonymous said...

the lonely wind whistling through your 250 dollar rims. i liked that.

The Cuke said...

i'm curious as well..

Anonymous said...

The Trump and The Blog
The Trump and The Blog You knew it was coming. Just found out via Steve Rubel that the Donald is blogging.
Hi great blog very informational. I added it to my bookmarks!

I have a Ceiling Fan Clear Blade site/blog. It pretty much covers Ceiling Fan Clear Blade related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time.

{illyria} said...

that was almost too intimate. like some correspondence nin and miller shared. all i can say is that you've outdone yourself again.

Anonymous said...

Haven't ever been offered a book deal?

Kerouaced said...

No, I just have a short story coming out in an anthology. I'm just starting to market my first book now, trying to get it published. I really need to get more short work out to magazines too and am busily working on my second book...