Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Daytona says:

...........the meat sandwich I prefer is one that I perfected in Luch's
Harrisburg apartment. Bacon, ground beef (or lamb) burger, chicken
breast................all in the same pan, topped with cheese and
mayo.................this is the one I call the Barnyard. Feel free to
include this patented name in the blog. You have my written permission.

Thanks Daytona. I might have trouble locating the lamb burger though...


The Cuke said...

hmmm.. sounds interesting, and somehow good..

Kerouaced said...

No Cuke the sun is invited. You can stay indoors if you don't like the sun...

The Cuke said...

aw... okay... but i prefer the nightime, so I'm going to sleep most of the day with the shades pulled...

Kerouaced said...

How did the sun talk get down in the sandwich post? Something's up with that...