Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Censorship Anyone?

If you want to raise my ire just start talking censorship. The Republicans claim to be the party that wants less government in peoples’ lives. Funny their actions don’t jive with this but that’s their line and the people that vote for them and believe this should be ashamed of themselves for not keeping up with the GOP’s current political agenda.

When the Republicans talk about having less government in people’s lives what they are talking about is less control over corporations so they can run amuck and make money at your expense. They also want less taxes (framed as less government control) not because they want you to have money but so this taxed money is not spent on social programs and other government expenses. They want you to keep this tax money so you spend it on the stock market. Which is exactly why the want to end Social Security so that people invest the money taken out of their checks now into the stock market. They don’t care if you’re on the street in old age begging. They’re God is the dollar. Granted a number of social programs could be run more efficiently but scraping them and giving the money away to Wall Street isn’t going to help the average disadvantaged citizen.

The Republicans do however want government in our lives when it comes to matters of personal freedoms. They want to tell you what you can watch on television, what you can do with your body, what you can say (ala controlling the media) and even control things as ridiculous as cheerleading (which they did in Texas) because the cheers were morally objectionable to a fringe bunch of religious zealots. Aren’t there more important things to worry about? Such as the depletion of the ozone layer? Oh, I forgot the official stance of the U.S. Government at this time is that there is no global warming problem.

So let’s get back to the censorship now that we’ve covered what the Republican agenda at least in a great part is. In Jeffrey McMurray’s article: Congressman Slams Bill Maher Over Army Remark he states that Bill Maher said on his show: "More people joined the Michael Jackson fan club. We've done picked all the low-lying Lynndie England fruit, and now we need warm bodies." He was talking about how the Army recently missed its recruiting goals by 42%.

Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala saw a tape of the show and responded to this Bill Maher’s comment: "I think it borders on treason," Bachus said. "In treason, one definition is to undermine the effort or national security of our country.” And he further stated that: "I don't want (Maher) prosecuted," Bachus said. "I want him off the air."

Anyone that knows anything about Bill Maher knows he is a comedian and that comedians exaggerate the truth; they use satire to make us laugh. Did Bill Maher really mean that all people in the military are stupid? You’d have to be stupid to believe that. He was pointing out that the Army is dipping below there own standards for recruitment because no one wants to join because our government has involved itself in “preemptive” wars. Joining the National Guard no longer just means going to the local base and doing drills on the weekends, it means that you will most likely be put in harms way. Risking your life doesn't seem worth the college tuition anymore does it? You can’t go to college if you’re dead!

And you’d have to be stupid to believe that there isn’t more of a motive behind Bachus’s comment than merely sticking up for the troops. They don’t care about the troops. If they did they wouldn’t have started the war in Iraq were hundreds of them have died needlessly.
No, what the Republicans want is to silence the opposition. If Bachus really thought Bill Maher was being treasonous, which I might add is a preposterous claim, then he would try to prosecute him but he doesn’t want that does he? What he wants is to take Bill Maher “off the air.” This is the Republican agenda. They don’t want free speech unless it goes along with their agenda which, in large part is to further line the pockets of the extremely wealthy.

So speak out. Don’t sit back as these radicals take more and more of your rights away. I like that fact that I can turn on HBO and hear different opinions and see naked women in movies. I think I can run my life better than the government can and I resent them trying to push their phony morals on me. So if you want less government in your lives than you won’t support radicals like this kook Bachus from Alabama. Put the lid back on the jar of freaks before they all get out. Vote these cocksuckers out of office.

Link to Article:


The Cuke said...

You know, I think we need to censor everything. If we didn't we might start to think for ourselves and disaggree with a certain group of people. We couldn't have that, now could we?

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Very well put. Laser accuracy as usual, sir.

Anonymous said...

And now the stem cells issue as well. We're going to fall so far behind the rest of the world not only in medical care, but in scientific advances as well if Bush has his way.

Those freak extremists think we should all go back to the old days of the Bible. But of course, the hypocrites refuse to do so themselves... give up money? And TV? Oh we can't live without that!

The world is changing and the minority of freaks better get used to it.

Cindy-Lou said...

I need to censor myself a little more. I keep getting myself into trouble. I just noticed my link, and reciprocated. Thanks!

Dave Morris said...

Steve, it's the selective censorship that gets me. Politics is such a shit business, both sides of the aisle - although the right seems to be more and more set on growing the government through over-regulation to get their agenda front and center.

Maher is a genius. I disagree with him a fair amount of the time, but love his show, the forum to discuss, and the COMEDY.

And he's big enough to admit when he is wrong. He's changed his stance on a few things based on evidence. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

hey shouldn't you start calling it the Atomic Black Blog now?

btw, what did you think of my crack shot at writing/storytelling? it was an interesting change of direction for the blog at the very least. but you're the writer so you tell me.

Anonymous said...